Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wicked Asian Noodle Soup

The other night after work my friend Will, and I stopped at the local Korean market to get some sashimi and sushi, but we were a litte late and they were out of sushi so I got some Ramen style noodles to go with the sashimi.

I also got some shrimp (21-26) to add to the noodles. The shrimp had to cleaned and peeled so I put the soup base up and chopped a some onions. After a quick marinade, I sauteed the shrimp in a small sauce pan.
As it turned out, the soup came out really good and wickedly spicy and hot. I chopped a few chives and added it to the soup as a garnish. All I can tell is the combination of the hot and spciy soup in contrast to the cool and clean raw fish was absolutely sublime. I take such pleasure in the consumption of sashimi, and savor every bite, particularly the tuna.

I thoroughly enjoyed a quickly and easily prepared meal after a day at the office...


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