Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I love Oyako Don

In Japanese, "oya" means parent, and "ko" means child. Oyako-don, quite literally, then, is "parents and children served over steamed rice". I think of it as Japanese fast food, or comfort food, whenever I remember, I love to whip a hot bowl of Oyako Don, especially if I have rice left over from the previous night.
I like my Oyako a little more well done than perhaps traditionally served. I don't mean dry, but more done than the soupier tradition. In my version I also add mushroom and tofu. Ingredients for one serving: (one good sized bowl)
  • 1 - Boneless Chicken Breast
  • 1/4 Onion - julienne
  • 2 - eggs - whisked
  • 1 - clove garlic 2 Ounces cubed tofu
  • 1/4 Cup Shitake mushroom
  • 1 - Tablespoon Seasame oil
  • 2 - Teaspoon Shoyu
  • 1 - Teaspoon White Wine Vinegar
  • 2 - Teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 Teaspoon powdered ginger
  • 1/2 Teaspoon salt
There may seem to be a lot of ingredients but it's actually a really fast dish to prepare. Preparing the ingredients takes the longest but if you do it in advance, cooking goes quick. I Start with a large skillet add the Sesame oil (I used red chili sesame oil to add a little kick). First saute the onions add the crushed and chopped garlic clove until tender. Season with a little salt, add the chicken, then add the shoyu, sugar, ginger and white wine vinegar, simmer the chicken until nearly done, add the tofu. Finally, add the egg careful not to stir too much, roll it around the skillet until cooked or the eggs tightened to your taste. Slide the mixture over bowl of hot steaming rice and Viola! I like to finish with a sprinkling of chopped scallion or chives.